This system is designed to support the monitoring of large numbers of farms.
Reports and maps are generated using authoritative data from the Ghana Forestry Commission
Map display
​Ecometrica’s Map Display is an effective tool for companies wishing to measure and monitor a wide range of physical, biological and economic conditions across their land-based assets.
You will be given a URL link to your interactive application, which brings together the relevant indicators and ancillary information (farms, descriptions, metadata).
Your application has a built in user permissions system allowing access at different levels: for example, project managers could be given administrative user rights, allowing them to invite stakeholders and contributors.
Individual farms can be selected from your aggregated CFI report and interrogated individually including visualization and zooming of underlying map layers
The map:
The map
Covers the extent of Ghana’s commodities-forest landscape
Differentiates closed forest, open forest, agroforestry cocoa and unshaded cocoa and some other classes relevant for reporting progress on compliance with international forest laws and reporting to initiative objectives (such as the CFI)
Includes associated information on boundaries of protected areas including forest reserves, as well as admitted farms and other areas needed for reporting
Has been independently assessed by experts drawn from academia, research and relevant stakeholders to be of high accuracy (presentation provided in accompanying materials)
Has been reviewed by local community and government
Has a plan for periodic updates on local and larger scales
Is a core component of Ghana’s National Forest Monitoring System
Is consistent with Ghana’s official Climate and Biodiversity reporting framework
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